Monday, May 20, 2013

Ta daa! The watering system is FINALLY in place

It has taken a long time, but the plumbing is finally done!  It is a work of art, though. Dave is pretty proud of his workmanship:

Still need to do some covering of tubing along the trench, but otherwise it's done! Yay! Here's a close-up example of our drip system setup around the tomatoes (the rest of the beds have drip tubing in straight lines):

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Growing, growing, growing

Our tomato plants are getting pretty big in the raised bed:

The ones in the pots are a lot smaller, but our very first ripe tomato will come from a potted plant.  Here we check back with our famous first tomato:

And a few more up-and-comers:

Now, we've got some baby green peppers, too:

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Our "protector"

We hired a gnome to protect our plants from pests and animals.... 

He has dropped the ball on occasion (note the little chew holes on the right-hand leaf of our raspberry plant).... but he's good friends with the birdies.